Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dickhead of The Week

It's not like I needed a reason to hate anti-gay bigot Fred Phelps any more. But I do.

"A religious fringe group from Topeka, Kan., is coming to Clarence Center and Buffalo on Sunday to picket church services to remember victims of Continental Connection Flight 3407.

Westboro Baptist Church has long been associated with virulent anti-gay views and has picketed the funerals of American soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Members contend that the deaths it pickets are God's punishment for what it considers the nation's permissive attitude toward homosexuals."

It's very difficult to put into words how much this sickens me.

On Writing and Registering

Zygote is due on June 2. The new semester starts on March 31 and goes until the last week in May. With work hell and personal committments, I was thinking it would be ridiculous to try and squeeze in another class. And then I thought, "Fuck it." I don't want to lose momentum. I want this for me. So I registered. With that class, Making The Most of Your Material, and my writing group, I feel pretty good.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Key West is Sunny!

I was thinking of live blogging the Oscars again this year, but I have a mound of laundry to fold and I'm in sugar coma due to eating 3 slices of pizza, cake, ice cream and two cupcakes for YG's family birthday party today. Totally Zygote's fault -- insert self-directed eye roll. So...no live blog. I did, however, get around to uploading vacation pics. Enjoy!