Friday, May 23, 2008

Oh, The Hilarity

I spent two hours at the Social Security Administration building this morning to apply for the new SSA card that will allow me to process all the other shit I need to change now that I am Jenn Pretentious-Asshole. One hour and 57 minutes to wait in line, about 3 minutes for the actual transaction. I forgot a book so I ended up having to read Car and Driver, ESPN: The Magazine and brochures about SSA benefits. I was hoping for some crazies or at least some irate huffers, but it was sort of mellow.

The boss man let us out early today so I spent lots of time on the Internets looking for stuff to make me laugh instead of cleaning the house, as I should. I found:

* Stuff White People Like -- I actually discovered this a few months ago, thanks to the hilarious St. Patrick's Day post, and then forgot it existed. Thank you, universe, for this rediscovered joy.

* And then via a friend's blog, List of the Day. The friend linked specifically this post on photobombing (when random folk end up in your pictures) that had me seriously fucking crying, tears streaming down my face. I decided to poke around and nearly peed over Velvet Paintings and 10 Least Romantic Love Song Lyrics, although "I'm her to put this dick on you" sounds plenty romantic to me.

Tomorrow we head to Six Flags and on Sunday, my five mile race . Monday, SKB and fam are coming over for some big meat on the grill. 3 days off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


p.s. still snickering over our spouses making that tomato/basil/fresh mozz salad together and exchanging digits.