So, it's been a while. Since I last wrote, I have been across the country and back, to NJ, and am now getting ready to head off to Syracuse. I'm a little exhausted, but happy with being able to see everyone.
The trip to San Diego was a business trip, but well worth it. I got good media coverage and was able to sneak in visits to Nikki and Marisela, both of whom I haven't seen in a while. It was warm and sunny and I saw the Pacific again and finally watched the Sex & The City Movie (suck) and had an awesome lemon square at Extraordinary Desserts. I took the red eye back and nearly killed myself due to the screaming baby on the plane. Seriously, who takes a 6 month old baby on a friggin' red eye? It was so out of hand and there were lots of annoyed, and then screaming, passengers and NO SLEEP.
I got home Wednesday morning and saw YG for a handful of hours before he headed off to San Francisco for school. I left for NJ on Friday night, spent 5.5 hours in traffic, and gorged myself on food and strip mall shopping all weekend.
On Columbus Day, I took the day off and ran the Tufts 10K for Women in Boston. It was one of the better races I've run and there were over 7,000 women, some who were 32-year veterans. I ran the whole thing (all 6.2 loooong miles) and finished in 1:21. I'm really happy with my time and my progress and the fact that I set a goal at the beginning of the summer and stuck to it. I hope to do it again next year. I will get to that marathon yet.
This weekend we're heading to Syracuse to hang out with Becky and Phil and to show YG and SG the SU campus (i.e. where all the magic happened). Should be a good time.
So yeah, a rather boring update, but I haven't been doing a ton of stuff other than travel, work, more work, my writing class and the other work we're doing for the church. Boooooring.
And what does "tenemos amor a noche?" refer to? YG and I were telling the MG about how long we studied Spanish in school and were trying to demonstrate conversational phrases. He couldn't remember the Spanish word for sex. Hee. I managed to answer, "No, no, YG, mi cabeza" and he shot back, "Muchas gracias [Insert EvilCameltoe's Name]." Adventures in Spanglish.
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