Friday, May 16, 2008

Funnies of the Evening

1. YG, upon hearing about the latest scandal on America's Next Top Model: "I didn't even want to watch this season and you sucked me in with the last three episodes. It's like watching the old Red Sox. You watch it, expecting it to be different, and then they only disappoint." You heard it here first, folks: ANTM...just like the Red Sox.

2. The MG is reading a "kid-friendly" version of Little Women where, get this, Beth doesn't die. WTF? We watched the movie with the MG so that she could see that Beth does indeed die and she was still confused and convinced it was a mistake. YG: "Look, she dies, okay? BETH DIES."

3. On discussing the scariness of a "kid-friendly" "classic" that elmimates major plot points, I told YG about the kid friendly versions of books I read when I was a kid. He asked what ones, and I mentioned The Prince and The Pauper, The Man in The Iron Mask, and The Count of Monte Crisco. "Monte Crisco?" he asked. And then we laughed and laughed. "Yeah," I said, "It's about this guy. He really likes fried sandwiches. With jam."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. I love YG.
2. I love YG.
3. I have totally made this mistake. I also have the same problem with Aristocats/Aristocrats. Even just now typing that, I was surprised that the first one got flagged by my spellcheck.